
We'll help you choose your trees, with our expert advice

We're Hiring!

We are looking for a full-time nursery worker and delivery driver.

11th Jul 2024

Summer Opening Hours

In July and August we are open Monday to Friday, from 8am to 5pm. We are closed on Saturday and Sunday. If you are unable to visit the nursery we are happy to help over the phone or via email.

27th Jun 2024

Magnolia pink spring

Five reasons to visit Chew Valley Trees this Easter

The nursery is open on Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Monday - and it's a great time to come and see our trees!

28th Mar 2024

Prunus Accolade

Signs of Spring!

Here on the nursery spring begins with an explosions of white and pink flowers.

20th Mar 2024

A sea of well organised container-grown trees at the nursery

Growing Peat-free

Read our case study on the RHS website about our experience going peat-free

28th Feb 2024

Birch Glade

Wonderful White Birches

Birch are one of the most common tree choices of gardeners and landscape designers and justly so. They are “friendly” trees that happily co-exist with other trees and plants.

22nd Jan 2024


Planning an avenue

Whether it's to enhance the grandeur of a long driveway or to demarcate a boulevard in a park, a tree-lined avenue is a thing of beauty.

27th Nov 2023

Plums gages summer autumn

Plan for the season ahead

Spend some time this summer planning your tree planting

20th Jul 2023

Watering can 1030 707 90 s c1

Quench their thirst

The number one requirement for newly planted trees in hot, dry weather is - you guessed it - a good watering. Watch out for signs of drought stress.

16th Jun 2023

Hawthorn crataegus

Blossom and berries to bring in pollinators, birds, and us!

This is the season of hawthorns, rowans and lilacs - loved by pollinators, birds, and us!

18th May 2023

Prunus Accolade 3

Bursting with life

Branches are coming alive and it’s a truly tempting time to get planting.

21st Apr 2023

Winter trees frost

Planting in cold weather

What does the late snow mean for tree planting? In brief, you can carry on and plant!

9th Mar 2023

Bare root rails Dale

Still time to plant bare root

It’s not long till we bid farewell to winter and enjoy that most wonderful season of spring - so get your final orders in for bare root trees and hedging!

16th Feb 2023

Plant Healthy logo 4

Our plants are Plant Healthy!

Chew Valley Trees are pleased to announce that we have been certified by ‘Plant Healthy’, recognising our commitment to preventing the spread of damaging pests and diseases.

19th Jan 2023

Oak baby

New Year, New Planting

Planning a new planting is certainly one of the best things you can think about in January. Even better, go ahead and do it!

6th Jan 2023

Christmas banner tree bauble

Christmas 2022 opening

The nursery's last day before Christmas will be Friday 23rd December. Remember to pick up any orders you want in time for the Christmas break!

16th Dec 2022

Bare root rails Dale

Bare root season

As the temperature finally drops, the world of tree-planting starts to talk about bare root. Here's an intro if you've never heard of bare root before!

30th Nov 2022

Image ogmeta

Website update

Behind the scenes, the Chew Valley Trees website has had a facelift.

9th Nov 2022

Acer palmatum sango kaku 1

Open on Saturdays again

As the season changes, so do our opening days: we're now open on Saturdays again.

22nd Jul 2022

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